Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Welcome to the Life of Rapid Wealth

Brace Yourself for a Ride

Hey! How are you? My name is Marcon Tristan. I'm really glad you took your time to visit us. This blog is specially created for you!

Maybe you are wondering about the purpose of this blog and what it can do for you (did I mention something about getting rich fast?). Well, this blog serves as one key that will open your door to SUCCESS.

In my quest for finding the best “getting rich formula”, I found out that becoming wealthy involves different things that should happen simultaneously or all at once to make all those money rumbling down to me. The beauty of my discovery is that these “things” are so simple that it pained me to realize I haven’t thought of taking advantage of them before! Using the techniques that I am going to share with you in this blog, you can actually:

Re-program your mind so that it can be upgraded from a “thousand pesos” mindset to a “million dollars” mindset. It’s like replacing a small hand-woven cheap coin purse with a big, expensive Louis Vuitton leather bag! This will enable you to have and possess big amounts of money that you did not deem possible before!

Discover the wealth secrets of the rich and famous that has been kept to a select few. These secrets are the basic ingredients that we should “shamelessly exploit” in order to trigger abundance positively and almost instantaneously. Know that by taking advantage of them, we claim our birthright to be rich, healthy and happy. Isn’t it time to receive your share of the wealth of the world?

Make your business stronger, mightier and more productive. This blog features breakthrough marketing strategies that will enable you to sell your products or services to staggering numbers of people! It includes modern marketing ideas and my favorite topic of all time: persuasive and hypnotic marketing and advertising principles. These are inner-circle trade secrets that you would want to learn to earn. Additionally, I will be sharing legitimate, legal and honorable business opportunities that once taken advantage of, can aid fast-tract your way to success.

Improve relationships and yes, make you feel more loved, appreciated and treasured! The ideas I am going to present to you might be the very thing that will enable you to attract the quality relationship that you have been looking for. It will also help you keep positive relationships with family, friends and loved ones. These methods have been proven to save edgy relationships, difficult family issues and parenting concerns.

Get to know techniques to maintain good health and well-being. As a person who needs to be in front of audiences all the time, I know that it is an absolute necessity to be healthy and good-looking (even sexy!). Being healthy means more zest and energy. More zest and energy allows you to reach for your dreams quickly and joyously!

In short, this blog is my personal contribution to the world that gave me so much and let me experience wealth, health and happiness. I believe that by generously giving you the very principles that changed my life, I am triggering one important universal law: the law of giving. What I give out will come back to me magnified. So, I hope you are as excited as me in this journey to self-discovery and total wealth creation. Remember that all the precious stuffs that I will give you are practical and almost automatic triggers that will create abundance for you.

You Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing

To ensure that you will not miss anything, I encourage you to frequently visit this blog. I may be posting blogs every other day and in serial formats, meaning, the newest blog may be a continuation of the last. Also, you might want to automatically update yourself to new blogs through email by simply writing your email address and clicking the “Trigger Rapid Wealth via Email” button below.

One Strange Beginning

In my next blog, I will introduce myself by sharing with you some experiences that led to the fantastic discovery of the total wealth creation formula that we will hitherto refer as “Rapid Wealth Acquisition System: Be and Do More in the Next 10 Months Than in the Past 10 Years!” 

You’ve got what it takes to improve your life. You just need a little help to be guided. This blog will be your best-friend that will aid you experience the best that you can be. See you on the next blog!