Sunday, April 24, 2011

Special Halo-halo and More Adventures with the Creative Spiral

Note: You may want to read the previous blog before filling up yourself with the delights of what you are about to read.

Whew! It’s always scorching hot these days. Try to get out of the house and into the sun and no amount of sun block can protect you from the oven like heat. The humidity, the suffocating thick air and the sweat inducing, oil producing sizzling wave can literally fry you. That is why today was a perfect time for me to be in a special quest: to find the perfect chiller that will quench my thirst and satisfy my dying need for something cold.

I did a silent summoning of summer’s all-time favorites: ice creams, snow cones, chocolate sundaes, shakes, ice candies. These thoughts solidified on the spot and became even better as I saw my mother on her way to our gate carrying something that instantly made my mouth water: a tall glass of special halo-halo.

I triumphantly dismissed my quest (it lasted 5 minutes before the law of attraction handled things for me) and on the stage of savoring the cold treat when my cell phone rang. It was Rome, a friend of mine who is getting successful with franchising business. Apparently, Rome read the previous blog and wanted to throw me some questions.


“Hello”, I greeted back.

We talked about the blog and he asked me why I would consider the synchronized emotions of love, happiness and thankfulness as the greatest money making secret in the world. He liked the concept but was quite doubtful. He said that if that was true, then why do we Filipinos, a nation which ranks high in global happiness surveys, could remain poor in spite of the fact that we are happy? We are always generous in saying “thank you”. And we are definitely “hopeless romantics” and seemed to be always in love.

I asked him if he had enough airtime for my enlightening answers. I felt him smile on the other end when he said “If it’s about getting money, oh yes!”

What Tickles You?

Do you know that every action we do, every effort we exert is always done because we want to be happy? In 1917 Ralph Parlette wrote in his book, The Big Business of Life, “Whatever we do, we are doing it to be happy, whether we realize it or not”.

The reason why we want money, new cars, gadgets, friends, clients, businesses, etc. is because we want to be happy. Happiness is the purpose of our being. So when you are happy, you reinforce to your subconscious mind that you are doing a great job of preserving your self and harmonizing with the very purpose of existence. When that happens, you literally attract to you more things to make you even happier.

Such truth is showcased in my favorite fairy tale, Peter Pan. Wendy and the rest of the gang were instructed to think “happy thoughts” so that they can actually fly. Similarly, when you boost yourself with happy thoughts, you will soar high.

I believe that when the universe was made, the Creator was smiling and even laughing heartily out of happiness. And as co-creators ourselves, the ultimate tool in manifesting desires is to be joyful all the time. It doesn’t matter if your neighbors find you weird because you are happy despite the oil-price hike and the dwindle of the economy or because of Gerald’s break-up with Kim. Remember, it’s better to be rich than to be right.

The Attitude of Gratitude

The ancient Hawaiians had a very powerful belief system called Huna. They believed that everything in the universe is already in potential manifestation. That means that your dream houses, your millions in the bank, your loving friends and partners, the cars, the vacations, and the ideal life- are all waiting for you to fish them out of the universal source! This concept alone was enough to make me tremble with awe. Every new thing can be called forth into manifestation by a “secret system” of hidden knowledge. I studied this system and what I found out almost left me breathless! The good news is that I will be sharing with you all of these secrets in the future blogs. But as a “cold treat” for today, let me tell you one of the most powerful techniques right now: the attitude of gratitude.

By thanking the universe for all the things you have and by thanking the universe for all the things that you don’t have but intend to have, you are emitting a powerful force that will attract to you more of the things that you are thankful for! When I learned this, I can’t thank the universe hard enough for the Montero Sports I know I am getting this year! I have already manifested hordes of miracles just by feeling gratitude and appreciation. And you will too, if you start the attitude of gratitude today.

How Does Love Moves?

In mysterious ways. That is so right. As matter of fact it is said that the whole universe is a condensed form of love. Love is the strongest and the most powerful emotion. Haven’t you noticed that when you love someone or even something, you instantly feel happiness and appreciation? Loving makes you sweep two stakes at the same time. The new best-seller by Rhonda Byrne, The Power, emphasized the potency of love by stating that you always become what you love to be:

“You are meant to have everything you love and desire. Your work is meant to be exciting, and you are meant to accomplish all the things you would love to accomplish. Your relationships with your family and friends are meant to be filled with happiness. You are meant to have all the money you need to live a full, wonderful life. You are meant to be living your dreams - all of them! If you want to travel, you are meant to travel. If you would love to start a business, you are meant to start a business. If you would love to learn to dance or learn how to sail a yacht or study Italian, you are meant to do those things. If you would love to be a musician, a scientist, a business owner, an inventor, a performer, a parent, or whatever it is you would love to be, you are meant to be it!”

It’s no joke. Love is the great mover of the universe. When you envelope yourself with love, your heart’s desires are called forth into materialization. So place your orders in the universal catalogue with love. They will arrive in surprising manners. After all, love moves in mysterious ways.

Into the Creative Spiral

Combined, the forces of love, happiness and gratitude create a rapid current of energy that assumes a spiral shape. This is a spiritual dimension we call creative spiral. Once inside, a person could almost magically draw the fulfillment of desires faster and quicker. Though we cannot see this physically, great clairvoyants and spiritual teachers explained this phenomenon by saying that “as physical extensions of non-physical source, our natural state of well-being as God’s co-creators lies within the creative spiral, a spiritual current that fuels the indiscriminate manifestation of physical things in the universe”.

“What?” Rome seemed to be confused.

I explained to him between mouthfuls of milk and ice that put simply, the creative spiral is like a place wherein thoughts are transformed into things.

“What are you? A guru or a businessman?” he cried.

“My friend”, I started. “The reason why so many businesses fail is because they forget spirituality as an important factor in marketing and business operations”.

So What Are We Doing Wrong?

“So what are we doing wrong?” he asked.

I was halfway done eating the special halo-halo. Whenever Rome butts-in some questions, I hungrily swallowed pinipig, bananas, sago, garbansos, corn kernels and nata de coco. I went on to explain to him that there are three simple reasons why we Filipinos are not rich yet despite the fact that we are happy, grateful and loving.

1.       We are not intending to be rich. When we combine the big three, we must have firm expectations that the process will give us what we want to have, especially riches. We must be specific or at least certain about what we like to receive in a particular area of our life. Do you want more money? A new toy? A new car? Attract them by feeling joy, love and gratitude in a major major way.
2.      We are not mixing them harmoniously. When you decide to be happy, loving and grateful, do that all at once and with consistency. Do not commit the mistake of feeling love right now then hatred later. Of happiness right now then sadness later. Of gratitude right now then resentments and worries later. Just like my halo-halo, it should be the right mix.
3.      We still embrace limiting beliefs. We shall talk about this exciting and enlightening topic in one of the future blogs.

I did a bottoms-up to my tall halo-halo glass just when Rome decided to say goodbye. He felt great and all ready to try his new discoveries. I felt great and full because of the sweet and cold halo-halo. He promised that the next time he calls, he will tell me the result of his experiments with the creative spiral. I expressed my eagerness to hear the results.

The sun was still ablaze when I decided to write this blog.

The End.


Thank you for reading this blog! As I hear messages of encouragement from you, my conviction that I am doing a service to a chosen group of people gets stronger. I encourage you to make your journey to top even more pleasant by sharing this blog to families, loved ones and friends. Please always feel free to share with me your thoughts or suggestions!

I will wait for you inside the creative spiral!