Saturday, April 30, 2011


Announcing the Beginning of the UNIVERSAL LAWS Series on the Life of Rapid Wealth:

Part 1: The Shocking Truth about the Law of Attraction

“The Law of Attraction: If Thoughts Are Things Then Where’s My Ham Sandwich?”

“The ONE QUESTION That Will Change Your Life Forever”

“The Most Powerful Technique to Make LOA Do Your Bidding”

Part 2: The Universal Laws: Tapping Your Invisible Powers

“The Amazing Wealth Accelerator: Discover the FASTEST Way to Multiply Everything That You WANT”

“The Boomerang Effect: Activating the Law of Reciprocity to Boost Prosperity”

“Seeding the Plants of Riches: The Great Secrets of the Law of Increasing Returns”

“The Richs’ Controversial Way of Convincing God to Give Them More Money”

*Email Only Bonus: The Greatest Prosperity Secret That JESUS Taught!
(Accompanied by Bonus E-book by prosperity author Mark Victor Hansen)

The Universal Laws Series features powerful techniques that can give you the ability to harness the stars and bring you to places you’ve never been.

*The Email Only Bonus and the Free Prosperity E-book will be sent via e-mail to those who will send me their answers to “The One Question That Will Change Your Life Forever” blog under Part 1 of the Universal Law Series.

For comments and suggestions, please email me at

See you on top!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Experienced Failure Lately? Congratulations!

That’s a bit exaggerated.

I didn’t mean to rejoice for your failure. It’s just that failing is such an important tool to success.

Though I have seen successful entrepreneurs who achieved great heights while sitting on a sloth couch (and I actually prefer being successful without breaking a sweat), I can still say that failure is something that sharpens you and hones you to become bigger, greater and readier in every endeavor.

I was reading about the success principles of one of my favorite American entrepreneur Ron Ipach. He tried various jobs and businesses after graduating from high school. He even sold ads for book covers and did multilevel marketing. Ron then tried his luck with a franchise of mobile windshield repair. He took lessons from the experts and invested a lot in the best auto repair training he could find. But to no avail, all of his attempts ended in failure. 

But those failures motivated him to be persistent and aim for success. He did not let his failures stop him until he became his industry’s most successful expert with over 5,000 clients all over the world. He devised fail-proof marketing strategies for auto repair owners that give him millions of dollars as passive income. He wouldn’t be able to come up with such marketing material if he didn’t experience failure first-handedly!

He said that to be successful, we must “embrace failure: nothing is a sure fire winner; you will fail! Don’t let the failures slow you down. Each failure improves your odds of having success the next time out”.

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, the creators of the phenomenal Chicken Soup for the Soul Series, always talk about how they faced failure after another when every one of the one hundred forty-four publishers rejected their Chicken Soup manuscript. Most of us will stop on the 10th attempt, let alone the 144th! Those 144 publishers said that no one would read a compilation of “feel good” stories. But as it turned out, the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series became one of the most influential books in the world with whopping 112,000,000 books sold to date!

Imagine what could have happened if they stopped three feet away from the gold!

The following video will show you that if you know how to turn failure to success, then you must be congratulated after all for experiencing failure lately!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Astounding Power of Words

The Monday radio played a tune that made me go back to teenage memories...

“It's only words
and words are all I have
to take your heart away...”

It was a song called Words by Boyzone, a boy band we all adored and loved in the late 90's. The song was about how a man expressed great love in a humble manner through his words. My favorite part is this part:

“Talk in ever lasting words
and dedicate them all to me 
and I will give you all my life,
I'm here if you should call to me 
you think that I don't even mean 
a single word I say…

It's only words 
and words are all I have
to take your heart away…”

Oh, surely, anybody who can sincerely sing that song to you can really take your heart away… That is the power of words.

As a matter of fact, words are powerful enough to change one’s life. Great copy writers and advertisers use the power of words to sell their products or services. Orators, story-tellers and fiction writers earn their living using words. Lawyers are said to thrive in an industry that operates merely by words. One thing that I discovered recently is that the creative and proper use of words can transform your business dramatically and make it a phenomenal success.

It can even change the life of a blind beggar!

Want proof?

Watch the video below.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Special Halo-halo and More Adventures with the Creative Spiral

Note: You may want to read the previous blog before filling up yourself with the delights of what you are about to read.

Whew! It’s always scorching hot these days. Try to get out of the house and into the sun and no amount of sun block can protect you from the oven like heat. The humidity, the suffocating thick air and the sweat inducing, oil producing sizzling wave can literally fry you. That is why today was a perfect time for me to be in a special quest: to find the perfect chiller that will quench my thirst and satisfy my dying need for something cold.

I did a silent summoning of summer’s all-time favorites: ice creams, snow cones, chocolate sundaes, shakes, ice candies. These thoughts solidified on the spot and became even better as I saw my mother on her way to our gate carrying something that instantly made my mouth water: a tall glass of special halo-halo.

I triumphantly dismissed my quest (it lasted 5 minutes before the law of attraction handled things for me) and on the stage of savoring the cold treat when my cell phone rang. It was Rome, a friend of mine who is getting successful with franchising business. Apparently, Rome read the previous blog and wanted to throw me some questions.


“Hello”, I greeted back.

We talked about the blog and he asked me why I would consider the synchronized emotions of love, happiness and thankfulness as the greatest money making secret in the world. He liked the concept but was quite doubtful. He said that if that was true, then why do we Filipinos, a nation which ranks high in global happiness surveys, could remain poor in spite of the fact that we are happy? We are always generous in saying “thank you”. And we are definitely “hopeless romantics” and seemed to be always in love.

I asked him if he had enough airtime for my enlightening answers. I felt him smile on the other end when he said “If it’s about getting money, oh yes!”

What Tickles You?

Do you know that every action we do, every effort we exert is always done because we want to be happy? In 1917 Ralph Parlette wrote in his book, The Big Business of Life, “Whatever we do, we are doing it to be happy, whether we realize it or not”.

The reason why we want money, new cars, gadgets, friends, clients, businesses, etc. is because we want to be happy. Happiness is the purpose of our being. So when you are happy, you reinforce to your subconscious mind that you are doing a great job of preserving your self and harmonizing with the very purpose of existence. When that happens, you literally attract to you more things to make you even happier.

Such truth is showcased in my favorite fairy tale, Peter Pan. Wendy and the rest of the gang were instructed to think “happy thoughts” so that they can actually fly. Similarly, when you boost yourself with happy thoughts, you will soar high.

I believe that when the universe was made, the Creator was smiling and even laughing heartily out of happiness. And as co-creators ourselves, the ultimate tool in manifesting desires is to be joyful all the time. It doesn’t matter if your neighbors find you weird because you are happy despite the oil-price hike and the dwindle of the economy or because of Gerald’s break-up with Kim. Remember, it’s better to be rich than to be right.

The Attitude of Gratitude

The ancient Hawaiians had a very powerful belief system called Huna. They believed that everything in the universe is already in potential manifestation. That means that your dream houses, your millions in the bank, your loving friends and partners, the cars, the vacations, and the ideal life- are all waiting for you to fish them out of the universal source! This concept alone was enough to make me tremble with awe. Every new thing can be called forth into manifestation by a “secret system” of hidden knowledge. I studied this system and what I found out almost left me breathless! The good news is that I will be sharing with you all of these secrets in the future blogs. But as a “cold treat” for today, let me tell you one of the most powerful techniques right now: the attitude of gratitude.

By thanking the universe for all the things you have and by thanking the universe for all the things that you don’t have but intend to have, you are emitting a powerful force that will attract to you more of the things that you are thankful for! When I learned this, I can’t thank the universe hard enough for the Montero Sports I know I am getting this year! I have already manifested hordes of miracles just by feeling gratitude and appreciation. And you will too, if you start the attitude of gratitude today.

How Does Love Moves?

In mysterious ways. That is so right. As matter of fact it is said that the whole universe is a condensed form of love. Love is the strongest and the most powerful emotion. Haven’t you noticed that when you love someone or even something, you instantly feel happiness and appreciation? Loving makes you sweep two stakes at the same time. The new best-seller by Rhonda Byrne, The Power, emphasized the potency of love by stating that you always become what you love to be:

“You are meant to have everything you love and desire. Your work is meant to be exciting, and you are meant to accomplish all the things you would love to accomplish. Your relationships with your family and friends are meant to be filled with happiness. You are meant to have all the money you need to live a full, wonderful life. You are meant to be living your dreams - all of them! If you want to travel, you are meant to travel. If you would love to start a business, you are meant to start a business. If you would love to learn to dance or learn how to sail a yacht or study Italian, you are meant to do those things. If you would love to be a musician, a scientist, a business owner, an inventor, a performer, a parent, or whatever it is you would love to be, you are meant to be it!”

It’s no joke. Love is the great mover of the universe. When you envelope yourself with love, your heart’s desires are called forth into materialization. So place your orders in the universal catalogue with love. They will arrive in surprising manners. After all, love moves in mysterious ways.

Into the Creative Spiral

Combined, the forces of love, happiness and gratitude create a rapid current of energy that assumes a spiral shape. This is a spiritual dimension we call creative spiral. Once inside, a person could almost magically draw the fulfillment of desires faster and quicker. Though we cannot see this physically, great clairvoyants and spiritual teachers explained this phenomenon by saying that “as physical extensions of non-physical source, our natural state of well-being as God’s co-creators lies within the creative spiral, a spiritual current that fuels the indiscriminate manifestation of physical things in the universe”.

“What?” Rome seemed to be confused.

I explained to him between mouthfuls of milk and ice that put simply, the creative spiral is like a place wherein thoughts are transformed into things.

“What are you? A guru or a businessman?” he cried.

“My friend”, I started. “The reason why so many businesses fail is because they forget spirituality as an important factor in marketing and business operations”.

So What Are We Doing Wrong?

“So what are we doing wrong?” he asked.

I was halfway done eating the special halo-halo. Whenever Rome butts-in some questions, I hungrily swallowed pinipig, bananas, sago, garbansos, corn kernels and nata de coco. I went on to explain to him that there are three simple reasons why we Filipinos are not rich yet despite the fact that we are happy, grateful and loving.

1.       We are not intending to be rich. When we combine the big three, we must have firm expectations that the process will give us what we want to have, especially riches. We must be specific or at least certain about what we like to receive in a particular area of our life. Do you want more money? A new toy? A new car? Attract them by feeling joy, love and gratitude in a major major way.
2.      We are not mixing them harmoniously. When you decide to be happy, loving and grateful, do that all at once and with consistency. Do not commit the mistake of feeling love right now then hatred later. Of happiness right now then sadness later. Of gratitude right now then resentments and worries later. Just like my halo-halo, it should be the right mix.
3.      We still embrace limiting beliefs. We shall talk about this exciting and enlightening topic in one of the future blogs.

I did a bottoms-up to my tall halo-halo glass just when Rome decided to say goodbye. He felt great and all ready to try his new discoveries. I felt great and full because of the sweet and cold halo-halo. He promised that the next time he calls, he will tell me the result of his experiments with the creative spiral. I expressed my eagerness to hear the results.

The sun was still ablaze when I decided to write this blog.

The End.


Thank you for reading this blog! As I hear messages of encouragement from you, my conviction that I am doing a service to a chosen group of people gets stronger. I encourage you to make your journey to top even more pleasant by sharing this blog to families, loved ones and friends. Please always feel free to share with me your thoughts or suggestions!

I will wait for you inside the creative spiral!

Friday, April 22, 2011

The World’s Greatest Money Making Secret

I was having lunch with a client one day. She asked me if I ever have plans of applying for a job, now that graduation is over (yes, it actually took me 8 years to graduate from college). I looked at her intently and said, “now that I know the greatest money making secret, I don’t have to work for a company anymore. Matter of fact, I’m thinking about working with different companies from now on instead of working for them”. Her facial expression betrayed her disbelief. She then urged me to explain what this “secret” is. The way her face brightened said that she was surprised beyond reason when I begun explaining the greatest money making secret of all.

You see, I have been guiding people reach for their dreams since the year 2003. I was a university freshman then, with no clear source of money to support my education. I told myself that if I didn’t work, I’ll be light years away from graduating. I took up BS Social Work from a good university that didn’t have high tuition fee (in fact, it is a state university). But despite the low “personal investment start-up cost” for school, I still needed to identify ways for me to have extra money for the projects, papers, photocopies, food and fare. 

With a burning desire to graduate and a fiery passion for personal growth and development, I began offering my services to people who wanted clarity with their problems and conflicts, with the intention of showing them alternate ways to fulfill their desires. I paved my way to college through their consultation fees but aside from the money I got, there is something more that I gained. And this very gain led to my discovery of the greatest money making secret in the world.

After seeing and giving consultation services to hundreds of people through words-of-mouth referrals, I came to notice some prominent things. Before I reveal them, it will be helpful for you to understand that my clients are quite high profile and are more or less well-off. And having the chance to analyze their lives and see how they tend to their day-to-day experiences made me recognize a very strong contrast between them and the common people. These well-off clients of mine are different from the masses simply because of three “states of mind” that the former (my clients) maintain.

I knew then that I was poor. But I also knew that in some ways, I am more talented or if you may allow me to say, more academically successful than some of them. But how can these people, with problems that only I can help them solve, have more money than they need?

You might want to sit comfortably before I say another word. What you are going to learn will instantly attract to you events, circumstances, opportunities and people that can help you achieve your goals faster than you can imagine. As you read these words, know that as simple as they appear, these states of mind are guaranteed tickets to success.

What Separates a King from a Beggar?

We are all humans. We eat, love and pray. (Is that a movie?) But how come some people who are far less gifted with intelligence can easily outshine men with overwhelming academic stupor? (That observation made me realize that education is not really important in making money. But that’s a different thing.) I was almost choking with excitement when I broke the code. Since I was poor and had nothing to lose, I decided to experiment a little by jumping in to the rich’s shoes and intentionally “adopting” these 3 states of mind. My only regret was that it took me a long time to decide on this and finally gave in to my curiosity just lately. The result was phenomenal:

·         Out of nowhere, money came to me that enabled me to buy this very computer I am using to write this blog. Aside from that, cell phones just came in flying (to the great joy of my siblings who benefitted a lot), gadgets kept coming and more and more arrived.

·         I was suddenly invited as guest speaker to numerous motivational and educational events, making me quite a figure in the metaphysical industry.

·         I was given opportunity to host a TV program in Studio 23 that responded to spiritual and paranormal events.

·         Clients would pay me up to four or five times the original fee

·         Invitations to all-expense-paid vacations came pouring in, most of which I had to decline because of school

·         My professors suddenly saw me as a bright student and became generous in giving grades and I was given a special academic award just this Sunday

·         Jobs and more jobs are being offered, all of which I have to decline

·         I now have more clients and appointments than I could handle

·         On top of all, money just keeps coming in!

Whoa! What a result from just a simple experiment! And all I did was mimic some states of mind! Easier than eating breakfast!

The experiment blew me away. It fried me. It almost made me cry. So I researched and read books and consulted materials by wealth gurus. They all confirmed my suspicions. What I did actually triggered this greatest money making secret of the world. And here it is…

Warning: Excessive use of the principles you are about to read can result to lasting happiness and financial freedom. So go for it. Please share this message to as many people as possible. You may refer them to this blog ( or you may tell them the message in any way you prefer. But I encourage you to share them. It is nigh time to see a better Philippines.

The Mind of the Rich

It is necessary for you to understand that anybody from any walk of life can do this technique and produce outstanding results. It doesn’t matter if you have a million pesos in the bank or just a couple of pesos in your wallet. It doesn’t matter if you are seventy years old or 10, as long as you can read and understand these words. The results will flow in. Guaranteed.

Requirements: Just an open mind and maybe a little excitement.

The secret is this: in order for you to instantly change your life, attract money and success or any desire that you have, you must realistically FEEL three emotions which are the rich’s states of mind NOW. These are the emotions of love, happiness and gratitude. I repeat. Feel love, happiness and gratitude. It doesn’t matter how sad, broke or ingrate you feel at the moment. Just feel the rush of love, happiness and gratitude. You may say I am in love, happy and thankful right now. Feel it! Feel your words. And lastly, maintain those feelings. Maintain them at all cost. If you have any problems, know and feel that they are solved. Do not remember them. Just find ways to draw the feelings of love, joy and gratitude. Maintain that for one single day. The miracles in the following days are going to shock you.

You will be swept off your feet by the Creative Spiral!

We will call this money making “states of mind” technique the Creative Spiral, since once you do it, you will be inside a spiral-like spiritual dimension that generates instantaneous manifestation. Abraham-Hicks, call this The Vortex of Creation, a state of being that grants you the power to manifest desires.

You just discovered the greatest money making secret my friend. Use it. Take advantage of it. Shamelessly exploit it. I will see you on top!


I admire you for your great desire to change your life. May this blog entry help you on your way to greatness. You just did a phenomenal leap to success. I invite you to share your stories and testimonials with me by emailing me at 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What’s for Dinner? Discoveries That Made My Stomach Full

I could hardly swallow that hard banana.

I chew and chew and tried to extract any sweetness from that nightmare of a dinner, but to no avail, all I tasted was bitterness. I wondered what was bitterer: the taste of my dinner of a single boiled banana or the very situation we were in. You see, there came a time when all we had for supper were unripe whatevers that monkeys won’t even like to eat. Looking back, I laugh to myself now at the humor of the situation and utter: Hell, no. I won’t come back to eating bananas for dinner again. Unless I’m on a diet. Which I’m not, most of the time.

I grew up in a poor family. I understand how it feels like to want to get out of the rat race and finally be financially free. Ever since I was a child, it has been my life long dream to get rich because I have seen how my family struggled to give me a decent life.

Oh no, I don't want to give you another shot of an "I've been poor and now this" kind of story. But let me just point out that most of my life's experiences have been awkwardly "empoverished" (there is a term like that?). That is, until I bumped into something. Yes, something really BIG that before I knew it, my life just turned around and from being so poor that I had to eat bananas for dinner to being financially free that I take vacation almost every month to places I did not imagine being able to see before (uhmm, while eating bananas and more).

This BIG thing is a collection of proven wealth building strategies that I am excited to share with you. These techniques are the results of my passion to discover the true wealth creation formula based on the lives of the world's most successful individuals and billionaires.

For years, I've been an avid fan of great figures like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Oprah, even Manny Pacquiao, Henry Sy, Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford. The reason why I love them is not because they are simply popular or respected or rich. The reason why I love them is because these great people proved to me that to become great, all you need to do is to "trigger" in your life some wealth generating faculties in the following areas:

·         Your Attitudes- the way you think and act each and everyday

·         Values and Mindset- your mind's programming that guides your attitude towards life

·         Communication with others- your ability to communicate in such a way that generates positive relationships, intimacy, romance, friendship, and in terms of getting rich: sales and loyal clients or customers!

·         The Entrepreneur in You- in order to be wealthy, you have to work “on” the business and not “in” the business. Being an entrepreneur is the ultimate factor that will give you financial freedom

Well, maybe it appears so simple. But let me tell you that the magical formula of becoming the best that you can be simply lies to those four factors. And activating the "triggers" in these areas can dramatically improve your business, your relationships, your finances and emotions, well-being and happiness.

These wealth building strategies are now what I call "The Rapid Wealth Acquisition System". A system that will enable you to achieve more in the next 10 months than in the previous 10 years! Too good to be true? Read on. What you will discover might change your life for the better.

Rub Your Lamp

Have you heard of the story about Aladdin and the magic lamp? By rubbing his fingers on the lamp, Aladdin can command a genie to make his wishes come true for him. It’s like having a very rich father who would eagerly give you everything you want. The only problem Aladdin had was that he was limited to only three wishes!

What if you stumbled on such a lamp one day but instead of just three wishes, the genie inside announced that he will grant you every, I mean, EVERY wish that you can think of?! (Maybe as long as you harm no one.)

Most people will certainly pay high prices just to get a lamp like that. But little do we know that Aladdin's lamp was a metaphor used to represent an ancient wisdom. That means that the story of Aladdin is actually a story that masks a hidden message. This wisdom was recorded in what we know as the Emerald Tablet, an Egyptian artifact that is said to contain messages about the power of the universe. On it, one can read the mind-boggling phrase: "As above so below, as within so without".

Put simply, the magic lamp and this tablet offer us one great truth. This truth was hidden and kept away from us because once realized, this wisdom can give us the power to tap the genie within, or in other words, to make us see the universe as one big catalogue that will be very eager to give us what we want, guaranteed, all the time! Napoleon Hill, a great success guru, summed this message into one short phrase: think and grow rich. Our inner world creates our outer world.

Imagine seeing a brand new Jaguar or a handsome Toyota Landcruiser along EDSA while on your way home inside a crammed-up MRT train. You feel a great desire to have these cars. If you have the lamp’s power, all you have to do is rub the genie out of his catnap, spill out some orders, hear him confidently say “your wish is my command” and voila! You are inside one of those cars with a uniformed chauffeur talking to your security convoy! Hmmm. That’s not too hard.

What if I tell you that this genie, which can give you every material, spiritual, emotional and relationship desires you have is currently residing within you? And all you have to do is to simply “spill out your orders” for your wishes to come true? Well, my friend. That is true. You have that genie inside you. That genie is the power of your subconscious mind.

I know that that is quite hard to absorb right now. Arguably, you will say: if that is true, then why do I have to work hard for money to come in my life? Why doesn’t this genie give me money which I am praying for everyday?

If I will be really blunt in answering, I will simply say: that’s the question my friend. I wonder why your money is not there yet. Maybe you are blocking the way? You see, you don’t even have to work too hard for money. You don’t have to wait for a very long time just to have enough money. And I don’t even mean that you have to be a conman. That’s totally out of the question.

This wisdom never fails. The motivational superheroes Jerry and Esther Hicks told us through the teachings of Abraham: “if you have a desire, all you have to do is ASK AND IT IS GIVEN”. And this wisdom, though can be summed up in a few words, is more complicated than it seems. There are some guidelines in activating this wisdom so we can use it and harness its powers.

So, what does that do with the Rapid Wealth Acquisition System? Quite everything.

In my desire to find practical guidelines to activate that wisdom, I came to discover the following that changed my life:

The Universal Laws- these are laws of nature that once understood and used can lead us to a life of prosperity and riches

The Mechanics of Persuasion and Breakthrough Business Marketing- these are forbidden and unspoken persuasion techniques that guarantee sky-rocketing sales and business success

Prosperity Shortcuts- techniques that will instantly and almost magically give you your desires

Abundance Principles- ideas and mindsets that could generate the avalanche of money and success in our life

That being said, let me start aiding you transform your life now. As in now. Because what I am going to talk about next is the greatest Abundance Principle that is also the most coveted secret of the rich. This is what we call….

The World’s Greatest Money-making Secret

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Welcome to the Life of Rapid Wealth

Brace Yourself for a Ride

Hey! How are you? My name is Marcon Tristan. I'm really glad you took your time to visit us. This blog is specially created for you!

Maybe you are wondering about the purpose of this blog and what it can do for you (did I mention something about getting rich fast?). Well, this blog serves as one key that will open your door to SUCCESS.

In my quest for finding the best “getting rich formula”, I found out that becoming wealthy involves different things that should happen simultaneously or all at once to make all those money rumbling down to me. The beauty of my discovery is that these “things” are so simple that it pained me to realize I haven’t thought of taking advantage of them before! Using the techniques that I am going to share with you in this blog, you can actually:

Re-program your mind so that it can be upgraded from a “thousand pesos” mindset to a “million dollars” mindset. It’s like replacing a small hand-woven cheap coin purse with a big, expensive Louis Vuitton leather bag! This will enable you to have and possess big amounts of money that you did not deem possible before!

Discover the wealth secrets of the rich and famous that has been kept to a select few. These secrets are the basic ingredients that we should “shamelessly exploit” in order to trigger abundance positively and almost instantaneously. Know that by taking advantage of them, we claim our birthright to be rich, healthy and happy. Isn’t it time to receive your share of the wealth of the world?

Make your business stronger, mightier and more productive. This blog features breakthrough marketing strategies that will enable you to sell your products or services to staggering numbers of people! It includes modern marketing ideas and my favorite topic of all time: persuasive and hypnotic marketing and advertising principles. These are inner-circle trade secrets that you would want to learn to earn. Additionally, I will be sharing legitimate, legal and honorable business opportunities that once taken advantage of, can aid fast-tract your way to success.

Improve relationships and yes, make you feel more loved, appreciated and treasured! The ideas I am going to present to you might be the very thing that will enable you to attract the quality relationship that you have been looking for. It will also help you keep positive relationships with family, friends and loved ones. These methods have been proven to save edgy relationships, difficult family issues and parenting concerns.

Get to know techniques to maintain good health and well-being. As a person who needs to be in front of audiences all the time, I know that it is an absolute necessity to be healthy and good-looking (even sexy!). Being healthy means more zest and energy. More zest and energy allows you to reach for your dreams quickly and joyously!

In short, this blog is my personal contribution to the world that gave me so much and let me experience wealth, health and happiness. I believe that by generously giving you the very principles that changed my life, I am triggering one important universal law: the law of giving. What I give out will come back to me magnified. So, I hope you are as excited as me in this journey to self-discovery and total wealth creation. Remember that all the precious stuffs that I will give you are practical and almost automatic triggers that will create abundance for you.

You Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing

To ensure that you will not miss anything, I encourage you to frequently visit this blog. I may be posting blogs every other day and in serial formats, meaning, the newest blog may be a continuation of the last. Also, you might want to automatically update yourself to new blogs through email by simply writing your email address and clicking the “Trigger Rapid Wealth via Email” button below.

One Strange Beginning

In my next blog, I will introduce myself by sharing with you some experiences that led to the fantastic discovery of the total wealth creation formula that we will hitherto refer as “Rapid Wealth Acquisition System: Be and Do More in the Next 10 Months Than in the Past 10 Years!” 

You’ve got what it takes to improve your life. You just need a little help to be guided. This blog will be your best-friend that will aid you experience the best that you can be. See you on the next blog!