Thursday, May 5, 2011

Come On Board Your Life's Greatest Journey!

Welcome to the Universal Laws Series on The Life of Rapid Wealth!

Disclaimer: The Universal Laws is just one of the factors that will trigger rapid wealth in your life. I encourage you to use these almost magical formulas to transform your dreams into reality but I do not in any way declare that your life will be perfectly changed just by using these laws alone.

Your Journey Begins Here

I am glad that you chose me to accompany you in this journey towards financial freedom and wealth! The things that we are going to learn together will serve as a strong backbone that will allow continuous and long-lasting experiences of success and happiness.

Imagine the great rewards of using the Universal Laws!

How will you use the great amount of riches that is waiting for you at the end of the line? Will you use it to buy a magnificent house where your family can stay in comfort and show affection for each other? Will it be used for travelling and seeing exotic and exciting destinations? Will it be new clothes, gadgets, cars and other material things? Or will it be used to improve your life and the life of those who are important to you?

Remember that as a human being, you deserve to experience the best experiences the world has to offer!

Let us start the great ride ahead by letting you know three things that I picked up and used along the way to make every discovery shine and bring value to my life. These three things could be used as your own guidelines in maximizing the benefit of the Universal Laws that we are going to talk about. 

How to Maximize Your Use of the Universal Laws

1. We should realize that learning something is not the same as doing something.

It means that everything that you have learned will just take up space in your mind’s memory bank and won’t be of any real value until you apply them by taking actions. As Napoleon Hill said, knowledge is just potential power. The real power lies in organizing that knowledge into practical course of actions. Action brings momentum and excitement. Action is what makes us live!

To make the Universal Laws work for you, you have to practice them by including them as part of your life’s routine. In short, you have to make them alive by acting them out. As a matter of fact, most of the people who failed in life despite knowing these laws failed simply because they did not put their knowledge into practice.

One of my colleagues from a network marketing company always boasts about his training on advance selling and marketing methods. He told us that he spent more than Php100, 000.00 in courses that made him “know” the ultimate secret in making the most out of network marketing. But guess what. He failed miserably and left the company broke and without proving anything. Though he might have discovered some pretty effective techniques on getting wealthy, his failure to execute them by implementing actions made him no better in spite of his knowledge.

2. Second, we should come to understand that there is a great benefit in suspending disbelief.

As intelligent persons, we always tend to be skeptical and close-minded when it comes to new things or ideas that are not similar with our current point of views and perceptions even if doing so will make us better.  In the future, as we begin to investigate “The Mechanics of Persuasion and Breakthrough Business Marketing Series” here on our site, we will discover that one of our hidden addictions as humans is to “have the need to be always right”. 

We become slaves to our drive to be superior and unknowingly halts our progress just because we cannot admit to ourselves that there exists other ways of thinking that work better than what we currently have. 

To realize this, you just have to ask yourself: “If I already know everything there is to know, or if I already know the knowledge that works best for me, then why am I still in this condition? Where are the millions in the bank? The dream houses, the cars, the partners, the kids, the love, the happiness, the fulfillment and the security I am looking for?”

I remembered a conversation I had with a client two weeks ago. We were talking about goals and goal setting when he said that he’s got all what he wants in life and more and that he is already contented. I made his face redder than red by saying that if he thinks he is already contended and doesn’t have anything to aspire for anymore, then he is a hypocrite and a sinner because contentment go against the very purpose of being alive.

As human beings, it is our duty to make sure that we are fulfilling our role as God’s co-creators and we can only do so by desiring things and making them happen in a continuous and never ending cycle. This might sound shocking to you since we were taught that it is evil to desire. But that negative brainwashing cannot defeat the simple fact that the universe continues to grow and so should you. 

You will grow by fulfilling desires and creating new batches of desires upon the fulfillment of the old ones. You can only grow if you will suspend your disbelief especially when it comes to the Universal Laws. I uttered words of gladness when my client said that he now understands.

Suspending disbelief is a more powerful way than just being open-minded. When you are open minded, you allow yourself to hear new things but randomly block it since your old beliefs sometimes negate and reject the new concepts being introduced. But when you suspend disbelief, you come into an agreement with your self that you will temporarily stop from being skeptical and critical until you have tried to see whether the new ideas work or not. 

Allow me to be blunt here by saying that when it comes to the Universal Laws, you will learn not just to suspend your disbelief but actually adopt a totally new belief system because of the astounding results that are guaranteed to show up.

My personal hero, Frank Kern, introduced me to the concept of suspending disbelief by illustrating how he went from being a broke dog-fence maker to a multi-millionaire internet superstar. By suspending his disbelief, Frank brought a product that others called “scam” and “useless crap” that enabled him to have a magnificent internet empire that has so far gave him and his pool of clients more than $50,000,000.00 passive income using legitimate, sought after businesses.

Would you like to do the same? Then I encourage you to suspend your disbelief when you begin to savor the Universal Laws.

3. Lastly, we should combine our decision to “take actions” and “suspend disbelief” into a big bang life transformer we will smartly call “willingness to change”.

If you allow yourself to change for the better, you automatically bring up these rewards in your life:

1. You position yourself to wealth- it is like placing a bucket (you) under a faucet where water runs strong (money) instead of getting just crude droplets.
2. You start to open the flood gate to success and recognition
3. Miracles will be part of your daily routine
4. People will magically be more supportive
5. Opportunities will be as frequent as the stars in the sky

As you read these rewards, it is crucial to know that they are simple manifestations of one of the laws that we will discover later.

So now that you know the importance of taking actions, suspending disbelief and being willing to change, let’s have the drum rolls as we start changing your life using the Universal Laws…