Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Part 2: The One Question That Will Change Your Life Forever: How To Zoom the Law of Attraction

And now, after the strenuous wait, we will all be letting ourselves soar high and dance to the music of success as I give you one of the most remarkable tool that you can use to transform your life for the better.

As you read these words, I encourage you to heighten your expectations and pour your best lot into this exercise because I know that you will not be disappointed. Though guised as a question, this powerful concept enabled me to stand almost in the forefront of success.

I must be honest. This concept did not originate from me. I learned this concept from a simple fence maker, who, after using it, became a multi-millionaire in just a couple of weeks. This fence maker almost instantaneously became one of the most respected marketers in the world and I would recommend that you gobble up all the materials you can find with his name written on them. His name is Frank Kern.

When I answered this BIG QUESTION, my life took a 360˚turn. Though I associate the changes to my understanding of the great cosmic laws, I can say that answering this Question is the link that bridged the unreal to real, the dream to reality. In short, this wonderful concept that you are going to take advantage of today can let you experience what we humans always aim to experience: perfect day, everyday.

Commonly, the Law of Attraction is regarded as a tool that motivates and inspires us to achieve the big things that we are aiming for. Through LOA, we feel assured that no matter how seemingly impossible our dreams are, we can still turn them into reality. So we write a big goal, like becoming a millionaire, and convince ourselves everyday that through LOA, we will eventually become one.

If a goal or dream is huge, we use LOA. If the goal or dream is something that we can easily have like buying a cheap mobile phone or eating at a fancy restaurant, do we bother with LOA? I suppose no. Because we are reserving LOA for the special ones like cars, or expensive gadgets or hordes of money or properties. But I am here to tell you that the gravity applies to the enormous just as well as it would to the microscopic. So should your use of the law of attraction be. As a matter of fact, I am encouraging you to use the law in all ways that you can think. As Joe Vitale always says, try it on everything!

If you use the law everyday in every way, you are enabling your self to experience perfection daily!

And Here It Is

When I first saw Frank Kern discussed this Question, I was humorously shocked by how he introduced it. He said “Good News! YOU ARE DYING!”

And so I will introduce the Question by echoing it to you my friends. YOU ARE DYING! 

Well, at least your old self is. Because if you will faithfully answer this Question and the accompanying questions that go with it, I can assure you, you will have a shining, shimmering life that is far, far better than what you are enjoying right now!

Frank Kern said, “If we all live an average of 40 more years, we’ve got 14,600 more days to go before we’re dead”.

Our life is made up of individual days. If we are going to live life to the fullest, then we might as well decide to make each and everyday a perfection!


How can we make everyday perfect? LOA plays 50% of the solution. The other 50% depends on your answer to the question:

“IF there were no limitations or consequences, what would your perfect average day look like?”

To make you understand it better, you have to know the following terms:

Limitations: financial, geographic, health, limiting people, etc.
Consequences: legal, stuff that you could get you “into trouble” for
Average: actions, activities that you can do everyday with pleasure

Again, the question is:

“IF there were no limitations or consequences, what would your perfect average day look like?”

When you answer this question, the law of attraction, by the virtue of knowing your deepest desires, will make it conducive for you to experience your very answer!

So let us dissect it to pleasurable parts. Let us try to define our “perfect average day” by knowing what we want to happen in different parts of the day.

Answer the following questions and the miracles will flow in:

Where would you live?
What would your house look like?
What time would you wake up?
What would you do in the morning?
What would you have for breakfast?
What would you spend the first half of your day doing?
What would you have for lunch?
Who would you eat with?
What would your friends be like?
What would you talk about?

What would you do for personal fulfillment?
What life purposes would you strive towards?
What would your business be?
What time would you start work?
What would you actually do at work?
What are your clients like?
What are your relationships with your clients like?

What would you do for family time?
What would you have for dinner?
What would you like to eat?
Who would you eat with?
What would you talk about?

What would you do at night?
With whom are you going to spend your night with?
Where are you going to do it?
What would your thoughts be as you went to sleep?

These Questions’ Great Importance

I know what some of you might think at this moment. You might think that these questions are somewhat taxing if not boring. I considered such thought when I came across these questions. But then I realized something. I realized that if I can’t make myself answer these questions, then surely I can’t make my self rich! If a simple task such as thinking and answering questions tires and drains me, then how can I ever be ready for the responsibilities of being a multi-millionaire!

Believe me my friends. Answer these questions and you will never be the same again.

The reason why these questions are important is because they are based on “desired experiences”, not goals or things. Aside from the fact that our experiences shape our identity, we must understand that by writing down an accurate picture of our desired experiences, we let our subconscious mind tap into the magnificent powers of the law of attraction!

From being a fence maker, Frank Kern earns millions upon millions of dollars passively, yes passively! It means that his pocket becomes fatter and fatter while he surfs, have his go with the girls, and have vacations all over the world and more! You would not believe the grandness of his mansion or the popularity he enjoys as a pillar of his industry.

And with no intention of venting my own air out and bragging with you, I can say that I am about to conquer the industry I chose without great effort. I work only when I feel like working and I am earning like crazy! All because I took time to answer these questions. All because I took time in knowing what I want! And you too can enjoy perfect day everyday if you start to do what Frank and I did right away!

So answer the Big Question and the accompanying little ones as if your life depend on it. When you do, I am confident that success and prosperity will come pouring as a perfect mirror of your perfect average day. 


If you have pondered these questions, you may email the answers to me and I will help you meditate and pray for their fast and quick manifestation (I’ve got some wonderful techniques to do that up my sleeves). Aside from that, I will send you the following as free gifts from me:

  • The Greatest Prosperity Secret That JESUS Taught in MS Word Format
  • The Miracles of Tithing E-book by prosperity author Mark Victor Hansen (PDF)
You may email me at mi2logia@gmail.com.

The information that you will send will be kept confidentially. What do you know, you might discuss the progress in your life one day with me and realize that the growth perfectly match with what you have written!

My friend, I just gave you one of my most guarded techniques of getting rich. I will surely see you on top!