Thursday, June 30, 2011

The One Question That Will Change Your Life Forever: How To Zoom the Law of Attraction Part 1

Wow! It has been quite a long time since I updated this blog. A lot of things have happened since I wrote the last entry and more and more opportunities to soar came to occupy my time but that doesn’t mean I have completely forgotten about this blog. As a matter of fact, here I am again, renewing the commitment I made about giving you valuable life tips on how to trigger rapid wealth and stay within the horizon of success.

Our entry for today is really special since I promised that I will be sending some free stuff once you answered today’s biggest question.

I hope everybody is as excited as I am. To answer this big question means gaining a giant leap towards activating the law of attraction in all areas of your life. It has dramatically improved mine and the life of those around me and I know that yours will be improved too, once you commit on answering this question.

Have you taken heed and used the law of attraction lately? I know many people who use the law of attraction everyday and I can say that their lives are almost magical. I am almost amazed at the incredible feats that they were able to accomplish through this law and delighted when I successfully produce the same astounding results in my life.

LOA Shortcuts

I must laugh at this subtitle. Since laws are laws and no one can defy them, I feel amused to say that LOA shortcuts exist. In reality, there are various ways to trigger the law of attraction quickly. Just like gravity is aided by weight, the activation of LOA is guided by several factors. The good news is that they can be summoned within you and all you have to do is stick to them no matter what:

1. Intention- as Oprah said, intention rules the universe. God intended you to be here. He intended the trees, the air, the rain and clouds, the bodies of waters, the lands, the world, planets and the whole wide universe to exist. When God created us, I believe He passed on to us the power to intend. When you deliberately intend something, cosmic forces work to shift the universal pattern and manifest your intention. You have to understand that intention is your most important ally, a power that you can always use to your advantage. In my lectures, I always say that intention is a declared decision. When you declared an important decision, you know deep inside that there is no holding back until the fulfillment of your goal comes into pi8cture.

So how does one intend? How do you use the power of intention?

It’s very simple. Just write your intentions down.

God gave us the talent of writing not only to record history or be reminded about important notes. There is a magic behind the ability to write. Jack Canfield, the famous author and motivational speaker, said that when you write down your goals, there is already a 50% chance that they will be achieved.

Make writing your goals and intentions a fulfilling habit.

2. Unshakeable Faith- if intention is the power that summons us into being, then faith is the force that maintains our existence.

If you have absolute faith that what you intended will happen, then by the virtue of the law, it must happen. When you have faith in what you want to accomplish, you purposefully remove the obstacles that can hinder its fruition. Faith is belief that has been advanced to the highest level.

To have faith does not mean being delusional. I have seen so many friends of mine misuse the LOA by having faith in nonsense endeavors and fail. For example, if you are selling ice cream to the Eskimos, despite having faith that you will be successful with it, the fact is obvious that you won’t advance much. You will just fail.

To have faith does not mean you go against the infallible rules of logic, although logic is cowed before it. It simply means that when your desire is backed up by faith, you have to acknowledge that your desire will be fulfilled through the most convenient and natural way. You can never expect a sports car to just simply materialize in front of you. You may win it from a lottery or raffle but simple logic dictates that the LOA manifests through natural channels and not through miraculous materializations. Often, the third factor, action, must first be taken care of before we get what we want.

3. Action- “action beats meditation”, a famous adage says. As animate beings, we are expected to move, to grow and to change constantly. We will easily get what we want effortlessly and more satisfactorily if we are following a course of action. Jack Canfield instructed that no matter how big our dream is, we are sure to land it simply by doing at least 5 actions everyday that will make us go nearer its fulfillment. Abraham-Hicks, my beloved spiritual mentor, said that our bodies are meant to move and we must limit our meditations within fifteen minutes only. We can meditate about our goals but thinking about it is just 50% of the equation. We have to work towards it.

Combined, these three factors are sure to give you your desire in the shortest time possible. But there is an important rule in employing them: you cannot force things to happen. You have to will it to happen. You have to be reassured and feel comfortable and confident that your desires will come true. Intention, faith and action will surely bring you there.

Introduction to the Question

Have you noticed that when it comes to the law of attraction, people always tell themselves: I will use LOA to get what I want. It may be a financial thing, or a relationship or some other endeavor. But do you know that you can use LOA in all aspects of your life?

LOA is famously regarded as “the goal fulfillment formula”. We set a big goal and invite LOA to do our bidding. Little do we know that LOA is a gift that can be used to make each and everyday of our lives near perfect! The use of LOA is not limited to “noble goals” and “lofty ambitions”. LOA is an everyday thing. So how can you use the law of attraction to your fullest advantage? It is very simple. You just have to answer a question.

This question is called “The One Question That Will Change Your Life Forever”. And it will be revealed in the next blog. Be sure not to miss it!